Can Bearded Dragons Eat Wax Worms? Let’s Find Out

Waxworms are considered a delicacy for your bearded dragon. But are they safe options to include in the diet? In this article, we will discuss the various nutritional benefits and risks of feeding waxworms to your bearded dragon.

Yes, bearded dragons can eat waxworms. But they should only be fed as an occasional treat and not part of everyday meals. Waxworms contain a lot of fat content that can prove to be unhealthy for your bearded dragon.

There are various benefits of feeding waxworms as treats to your bearded dragons. These worms are not only rich in fat but also contain a lot of protein in them. Waxworms are also easily found in pet stores and are safe for your bearded dragon’s consumption.

You should also know the right amount of waxworms you should give to your beardie, or they might do more harm than good. Waxworms are rich in fat and can cause obesity in your bearded dragon. You can introduce waxworms as a treat that you give your beardie occasionally.

Waxworms can be offered to your pet once or twice a week. You should also make sure that they are bought from a good pet store as they might carry a parasitic infestation. Gut-loading waxworms are another way of giving vital nutrients to your bearded dragon.

Nutritional Breakdown of Waxworms 


Waxworms contain a lot of nutrients and can serve as a great treat for your bearded dragon. Although, these treats should be occasional as they are rich in fat content. Here is a nutritional breakdown of waxworms, so you know what you are feeding to your loving pet.

Phosphorous1930 (mg/kg)
Calcium 203 (mg/kg)
Potassium2310 (mg/kg)

Waxworms contain a lot of calcium, but it is not the best the market has to offer. They are also fat-heavy, which means they can not be a part of a well-balanced diet. It is also recommended to give your bearded dragon a small number of waxworms in a week.

How Many and How Often Should Waxworms Be Fed to Bearded Dragons?

Bearded dragons are quite picky when it comes to food. A bearded dragon should be fed insects, vegetables, and fruits as part of a well-balanced diet. One such insect that bearded dragons eat is waxworms.

Waxworms are soft-bodied larvae of the female wax moth. They act as a great source of protein, fat, and calcium for bearded dragons. Although, they should be given as an occasional treat due to their high fat and phosphorous content.

For an adult, bearded dragon waxworms should only accumulate 10% of the dragon’s diet. This means you should not feed over 2-3 waxworms in one or two weeks.  Although, this number might vary depending on your beardies size and overall health.

Baby bearded dragons can be fed more waxworms as compared to adults. This is to help them in their growth and the requirement for a good source of protein. Although, you should not overfeed your baby dragons, and waxworms should still be fed as occasional treats.

You can give your baby dragons 2-3 waxworms every two to three days. Just like adults, this number depends on the size and appetite of your pet. You should never overfeed your baby dragons as it might lead to indigestion.

Editor’s Note
You can also gut-load your waxworms with nutrients and various vitamins to provide additional benefits to your bearded dragon.

Pros and Cons of  Feeding Waxworms to Bearded Dragon

Can Bearded Dragons eat wax worms

Waxworms act as a good source of protein for a malnourished bearded dragon. As pet owners, you should be aware of the various pros and cons of feeding waxworms. Here are a few advantages and disadvantages of feeding waxworms to your beardies.


As waxworms have soft bodies they are easy to digest and swallow. This makes them a perfect snack for your young bearded dragons. Waxworms are also small in size and hence can be swallowed easily by your pet.

Bearded dragons are also great fans of wax worms and find them very appetizing. It is also easier for young bearded dragons to eat them as they do not require a lot of hunting skills. Waxworms are easy to capture and do not require any feeding help.


Obese Bearded Dragon

Waxworms are very high in fat content, which can lead to obesity in your bearded dragons. They are also low in calcium as compared to other feeder insects. Dubai roaches are a better treat to offer as compared to wax worms

As the bearded dragons find waxworms appetizing, they start refusing other nutritious insects. This is a common problem that you see occurring when waxworms are initially introduced as part of your beardies diet.

How to Prepare and Feed Waxworms to Bearded Dragons?

As bearded dragons find waxworms a delicacy, you should know how to prepare and feed them to your beardies. The first thing to do is buy live waxworms from the pet store. Feeding your bearded dragons dead worms can lead to various health issues.

Keep the waxworms in the refrigerator till you are ready to feed them to your bearded dragons. You should also take them out of the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes before you feed them to your pets.

Dust the waxworms with calcium powder before giving them to your bearded dragons. You can also gut-load them with vitamins to provide your beardies with a nutrition-rich diet. Offer your bearded dragons waxworms using a feeding tong and always prevent overfeeding them.

You should also remove any uneaten waxworms after the feeding session. Bearded dragons have a habit of eating in between meals and might consume the bacteria-infested worms left inside the enclosure.

How to Store Waxworms for Your Bearded Dragons?

Waxworm in container

If you want to keep the waxworms in pristine condition, you should know how to store them properly. The first thing that you need to do is keep them at a cool temperature. Waxworms are prone to bacterial growth and should be stored in a refrigerator. 

Store your waxworms in a proper container made out of plastic or glass. The container should also have air holes for ventilation. You can also place a napkin at the bottom, which will prevent moisture build-up inside the container.

You should also clean the container regularly to avoid bacteria infestation. Pet owners should also replace the napkins every 2-3 days to avoid any contamination from occurring. Feed your waxworms regularly if you are planning on keeping them for a long period.

Other Insects You Can Feed To Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons are picky eaters; while some love to eat waxworms, others might not. There are many feeder insects to choose from for your bearded dragons. Some of them include crickets, Dubai roaches, and mealworms.

One of the most popular feeder insects is crickets. Crickets should be selected based on their size, which should not be more than the space between a bearded dragon’s eyes. They are easy to digest and provide a good source of protein.

Mealworms are easy to keep and can be bought in bulk from a pet store. They are also high in protein and can be used as a part of the diet for your bearded dragon. One thing you should consider is that they have a hard exoskeleton and should not be fed to baby bearded dragons.

Dubai roaches are also a popular choice when it comes to feeder insects. They are high in protein content and provide many nutrients to your bearded dragon. Compared to mealworms, they have a softer exoskeleton and can be fed to baby bearded dragons.


What is the difference between waxworms and mealworms?

Mealworms have a harder exoskeleton as compared to waxworms. Thus making waxworms easy to digest and a safer option for baby bearded dragons. Mealworms are also rich in vitamins A and B, whereas waxworms have a high-fat content.

Are superworms or waxworms better for bearded dragons?

Superworms serve a perfect quantity of fat and protein as compared to waxworms. Bearded dragons also tend to enjoy superworms more than waxworms. Although, you should also give superworms as an occasional treat if you do not want to cause any digestive impaction.

Final Thoughts

Bearded dragons can eat waxworms, and although they have high-fat content, they should only be fed occasionally. Waxworms also have a softer shell and can be digested easily. Young beardies also enjoy these worms as they are small in size and easy to eat.

Compared to other feeder insects, they provide a good source of protein and are easy to store. Just make sure you are not overfeeding them to your bearded dragons regularly.

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