Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes? Yes! But Not Too Much

Bearded Dragons can be a bit picky when it comes to food. And we all want to feed our loving pets a proper diet that they love. So is it safe for bearded dragons to eat grapes?

Almost every bearded dragon loves to eat grapes, but they contain a lot of sugar and water content and thus only should be given occasionally. You should provide them with seedless grapes, and your pet will savor it like a treat.

So, how occasionally should you feed grapes? And why is it bad for Bearded Dragons to consume grapes frequently? To learn more about this topic, continue reading.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes?

Can Bearded Dragons eat grapes

Yes, Bearded Dragons can eat grapes, but in moderation. You should just know how occasionally to feed them grapes and how to prepare them for safe consumption. Bearded Dragons can easily digest grapes with or without the skin, but they should never have any seeds. Grapes are rich in oxalic acid and thus should only be given as an occasional treat. 

The oxalic acid in grapes can bind to calcium which prevents the bearded dragons from absorbing it. Giving your pet too many grapes will make them calcium deficient and weak. Bearded dragons might also develop the metabolic bone disease, which is as fatal as it sounds.

Metabolic bone disease occurs when the bearded dragon’s body absorbs calcium from the bone. This disease can later on lead to bone deformation and has no cure. Hence, you should only feed bearded dragons grapes occasionally and let them savor it like a treat. 

Nutritional Properties of Grapes

Nutritional PropertiesCup of Grapes (32 grapes)
Potassium288 mg 
Magnesium11 mg
Calcium15 mg 
Phosphorus30 mg 
Fiber1.4 g
Vitamin C4.8 mg
Vitamin K22 mg

Grapes have numerous nutritional properties and are extremely beneficial for your bearded dragon. Using them as a treat helps improve cognitive function and create sharper responses. Grapes also help regulate the right amount of sugar levels for your pet. They are also rich in antioxidants and help fight free radicals in your pet’s body. 

Grapes also contain a lot of fiber which promotes smooth digestion. They also have a low acidic content as compared to the other fruits. Thus, not burning in your pet’s mouth and not causing any kind of indigestion.

The only down part is that bearded dragons do not have sugar in their diet. Feeding them grapes daily can risk their health, as they are rich in sugar levels. Two grapes carry 1.46 grams of sugar, which might be appetizing but can be fatal if made into a habit.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Have Grapes?

Grapes should only be fed as a treat to your bearded dragons. You can feed around 1 or 2 grapes in a week if your pet is healthy and does not have any medical issues. You can also use grapes to feed your bearded dragon some greens. Just cut the grape and rub it on the greens you want to feed your pet.

You can also cut one grape into smaller pieces and put it between the greens. Bearded dragons will eat the greens accidentally while going for the grapes. This method is a great way to promote a healthy and balanced diet for your loving pet. 

Bearded dragons’ diet should mainly consist of vegetables and insects. You will be happy to know; that even baby bearded dragons can consume grapes. Although, similar practices should be followed to promote a healthy lifestyle.

5 Reasons Grapes Should Be Fed only as a Treat and not all the time

Now we know that grapes can only be fed as a treat. Here are five reasons why they should be consumed occasionally and not as part of their daily diet.

Choking Hazard

Bearded Dragon choking

You should always remove any seeds from the grapes before giving them to your pet. Giving your bearded dragons grapes that contain seeds can prove to be very lethal. Even if your beardie manages to swallow these seeds, it can lead to gut impaction. This means it can block your pet’s digestive tract and cause various health issues.


Watery poop from Bearded Dragon

Grapes contain a lot of water content and it can lead to diarrhea, as bearded dragons are not used to ingesting large amounts of water daily. Bearded dragons are inhabited deserted environments and can not digest a lot of water. So giving them a lot of grapes can cause overhydration and cause serious health issues.

Metabolic bone disease

Bearded Dragon with limp leg

MBD or metabolic bone disease occurs when there is calcium loss in the body. As grapes absorb a lot of calcium, it prevents bearded dragons from absorbing it in their body. This causes a serious problem where the body will start to absorb calcium from the bones. A common symptom is limp legs and a softer jaw, so if you notice any of these signs, you should consider seeing a vet immediately.


Grapes contain a good amount of oxalic acid, also known as oxalates. Oxalates are known to bond with calcium giving too many grapes might steal away the calcium content from your bearded dragon’s body. So even if you promote a calcium-rich diet, giving too many grapes might decrease the chance of it being absorbed.

Diabetes and Tooth Decay

Bearded Dragon's tooth decay

Grapes naturally contain a lot of sugar inside them and thus feeding your pet too many grapes can lead to diabetes and major health issues. Giving a sugar-rich diet can also lead to tooth decay which might cause eating problems in your pet’s life.

How To Prepare Grapes For Your Bearded Dragon?

Chopping green grapes in wooden cutting board

After knowing how many grapes to give your pet, you should know how to prepare them for safer consumption. You should remove all the seeds from the grapes before feeding them to your bearded dragon. Even if you buy seedless grapes from the market, you should still chop and see if there are any left.

It is always better to be sure than feeding your pet grapes that can cause gut implications. Also, bearded dragons have no problem eating grapes with their skin on. So it is completely your choice whether or not to remove the skin from the grapes when feeding it to your beardies. 

You can also chop the grape into smaller pieces, so it is easier for your pet to consume them. Cutting the grape into four equal sections and mixing it with vegetables will help you feed more greens to your pet. While you should only feed grapes occasionally, you can give bearded dragons grape leaves as often as you like.

Editor’s Note
You can also cut the grapes and rub them on vegetables to trick bearded dragons into eating more greens.

Can You Feed Any Kind of Grape?

Ceramic dish containing Red, Green, and Purple Grapes

You can feed any kind of grape that you like till all the seeds have been taken out. Red, purple, and green grapes are safe and can be given to your pet occasionally. Try to mix it up and see what kind of grape they enjoy more. It is simply a matter of choice as there is no up or downside from the type of grape you feed them.

What Other Fruits Can You Feed Your Bearded Dragon?

Bearded Dragon eating pineapples

Fruits like peeled apples, papaya, mango, figs, and dates can be given to bearded dragons. Although, they should be well-washed and should not contain any seeds. You can also dice them up into smaller and finer pieces to make them easier to consume. You should also give these fruits occasionally to promote a healthier diet for your pet.

Treating fruits as a treat will help maintain sugar levels and will not cause any unnecessary problems for your bearded dragon. Giving these treats will give them all the essential minerals and fiber. Fruits are also rich in iron and magnesium, which promote a healthy lifestyle for your pet.


How many grapes can my bearded dragon eat?

Adult bearded dragons should only consume 1 or 2 grapes per week, while young dragons can have half a grape per week. The high sugar content and oxalates in grapes can cause serious health issues if you give them daily.

What fruit is toxic to bearded dragons?

Fruits such as lemons, oranges, pineapples, and tangerines should never be fed to your bearded dragon. The acidity in the fruit can upset your pet’s digestive tract and cause issues such as runny stools.

Final Thoughts

We all know that our little bearded pet loves its grapes, but they should only be served as a treat than a part of their diet. I have been personally feeding my pet grapes for many years and have not seen any health issues. Just make sure they have no seeds and are being served occasionally.

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