Why is My Bearded Dragon Sleeping So Much? 13 Reasons.

Bearded dragons are popular and fascinating pets because of their distinct appearance and friendly demeanor. Understanding an animal’s sleeping habits and behaviors, as with any other, is essential for making sure that it ends up receiving the proper care and attention. While sleeping is a normal part of a bearded dragon’s day, excessive sleepiness can indicate underlying health issues that must be addressed. 

This article will look at the top thirteen reasons why your bearded dragon may be sleeping excessively, as well as how to assist them throughout sleepy periods and when to seek specialized care. Understanding your bearded dragon’s sleep patterns and giving them the proper care and attention can help them live a long, healthy, and good life.

If your bearded dragon is sleeping too much, it could be an indication of underpinning health problems or poor living conditions. Age, illness, overfeeding, and insufficient lighting or heating can all have an impact on your bearded dragon’s sleeping habits. It’s very important to keep an eye on your bearded dragon’s sleeping habits and get vet attention if you come across any signs of illness or some abnormal behaviour. 

You can help reduce the risk of health problems and promote healthy sleep patterns by providing your bearded dragon with a proper environment that includes adequate lighting, temperature, and nutrition. A regular feeding and exercise schedule can also help keep your bearded dragon healthy and active for years to come.

Here are the 13 reasons why your bearded dragon may be sleeping excessively:

why is my bearded dragon sleeping so much

Reason #1: Heat Deficiency and Inadequate Lighting

sleeping bearded dragon in dark enclosure

Bearded dragons require a basking area with temperatures ranging from 100 to 110°F during the day and cooler temperatures at night. They may become lazy and sleep more than usual if the temperature of their surroundings is too low. Bearded dragons need heat at night as well. To regulate their sleep cycle, bearded dragons require exposure to natural light. They may sleep more than usual if they do not get enough light.

What to do:

Check your heating and lighting setup to make sure your bearded dragon is getting enough heat. Consider adding more heat sources or repositioning your lamps to provide a more consistent temperature throughout their habitat. Make sure your bearded dragon is getting enough natural light or a UVB bulb that mimics natural sunlight. Replace the bulb every six months and keep it within the recommended distance from the basking spot.

Reason #2: Illness

ill bearded dragon

Your bearded dragon may be ill if they are sleeping excessively and not responding to stimuli. Respiratory infections, parasites, and metabolic bone disease are all common causes of lethargy.

What to do:

Take your bearded dragon to a reptile-specific veterinarian. They can run tests to determine the cause of the lethargy and treat it accordingly.

Reason #3: Stress

stressed bearded dragon

Changes in their environment, such as a new pet or a change in habitat, can cause stress in bearded dragons. Because of the stress, they may sleep more than usual.

What to do:

Reduce stressors in your bearded dragon’s environment. Maintain a consistent routine for them and avoid abrupt changes. If needed, shift them to a more peaceful area of your home or try to separate them from other pets.

Reason #4: Ageing

old bearded dragon

Bearded dragons may become less active and sleep more as they age.

What to do:

Make sure your bearded dragon has a comfortable and safe habitat where it can move around freely. Make sure they have plenty of hiding places and soft bedding.

Reason #5: Brumation

bearded dragon on brumation

Bearded dragons may experience brumation during the winter months. This is a natural process where they sleep for a longer duration to store energy.

What to do:

Allow your bearded dragon to go through brumation on its own. Make sure they have enough food and water to stay full and hydrated and do not handle them too much during this natural process.

Reason #6: Overfeeding

overfed bearded dragon

Bearded dragons can become sleepy if they are overfed or have an unbalanced diet.

What to do:

Make sure your bearded dragon’s diet is balanced and age and size appropriate. Limit the number of treats you give them and feed them the advised amount of food per day.

Reason #7: Dehydration

Dehydration can cause bearded dragons to become tired all the time.

What to do:

Maintain constant access to clean water for your bearded dragon. Mist their habitat regularly to keep humidity levels high, and provide a shallow water dish for them to soak in.

Reason #8: Shedding

Bearded Dragon shedding

During the shedding process, bearded dragons may become drowsy.

What to do:

Maintain a moist hide for your bearded dragon to aid in shedding. Avoid handling them excessively during this time.

Reason #9: Lack of Physical Activity

Bearded dragons require exercise to keep their physical and mental health in check.

What to do:

Allow enough space for your bearded dragon to move around and climb. Encourage them to explore their habitat by periodically adding new decorations or rearranging them. If the weather permits, consider taking them for supervised walks outside.

Reason #10: Deficiency in vitamins

A deficiency in essential vitamins in your bearded dragon’s diet can result in lethargy and other health problems. Vitamin D3 is vital to bone health and general health.

What to do:

Ensure that your bearded dragon consumes a different diet that includes insects, green leafy vegetables, and other veggies. To help prevent deficiencies, consider dusting their food with a reptile-specific vitamin supplement, such as calcium with D3.

Reason #11: Parasites

In bearded dragons, parasites such as mites or worms can cause lethargy and other health problems.

What to do:

Take your bearded dragon to a veterinarian who specialises in reptiles for a faecal exam and, if necessary, parasite treatment. To avoid reinfection, thoroughly clean and sanitise their habitat.

Reason #12: Low relative humidity

Bearded dragons require humidity to help with shedding and respiratory health. They may become lethargic if the humidity level around them is low.

What to do:

Monitor the humidity levels in your bearded dragon’s habitat with a hygrometer. If the humidity in their habitat is too low, mist it frequently or add a humidifier. Avoid over-misting as this can cause respiratory problems.

Reason #13: Uncomfortable or Unsanitary Environment

If your bearded dragon’s environment is unpleasant, they may sleep more to avoid discomfort. This can include things like a lack of hiding spots, hot or cold temperatures, or insufficient lighting. Also, a dirty habitat with waste and uneaten food can cause a bacterial infection in your bearded dragon, resulting in lethargy.

What to do:

Examine your bearded dragon’s habitat to ensure that it is comfortable and suitable for its needs. Provide them with places to hide, comfortable temperatures, and adequate lighting. Consider adding new decorations or rearranging their environment to stimulate their minds. Regularly clean your bearded dragon’s habitat and remove any uneaten food. As needed, replace their bedding, and sanitise their habitat with a reptile-safe cleaner.

If you see your bearded dragon sleeping more than usual, it is important to check for signs of illness or stress. Changing their diet, providing adequate lighting, and heating, and providing opportunities for exercise and mental stimulation can all contribute to improved health and activity levels. If you are worried about your bearded dragon’s behaviour, ask for advice from a veterinarian or a reptile expert.

How much should a bearded dragon sleep ideally?

Bearded dragons all seem to be diurnal, which means they are active during the day and fall asleep at night. The amount of sleep needed by a bearded dragon, on the other hand, differs depending on their age, health, and personality.

As hatchlings, bearded dragons can sleep up to 16 hours per day, and as adults, they can sleep 8-12 hours per day. It is also worth noting that bearded dragons may sleep more during brumation, as well as when they’re sick or stressed.

While sleeping is normal for bearded dragons, it is critical to monitor their behaviour to ensure that they are healthy and active. If your bearded dragon is sleeping more than usual or showing other indications of illness, such as exhaustion, decreased appetite, or weight loss, strive for vet attention immediately.

Providing a healthy and stimulating learning environment, appropriate supplements and lighting, and regular check-ups can all help to keep your bearded dragon fit and active, energetic, and sleeping sufficiently.

How to comfort your bearded dragon when they are overly sleepy? gently and humbly reduce their sleep time.

sleeping bearded dragon

If your bearded dragon seems to be sleeping more than usual, then there are a few things you can do to help them and encourage them to be more active.

To begin, ensure that their enclosure is properly set up, with adequate lighting, temperature, and humidity levels. A healthy and stimulating environment can promote activity while reducing excessive sleep.

Second, provide small (sufficient) amounts of food and water to your bearded dragon throughout the day. Overfeeding or feeding them high-fat or low-nutrient foods can contribute to lethargy and excessive sleep.

Third, try to engage your bearded dragon in gentle activities like offering toys or taking them outside for supervised playtime. This can enhance their senses and motivate them to be more active.

Finally, try not to disrupt your bearded dragon’s natural sleep cycle or brumation process. Let them sleep when they need to and try to avoid waking them up unnecessarily.

If you are concerned about your bearded dragon’s sleeping habits or behaviour, you should seek veterinary attention. A veterinarian can help determine if there is an underlying health problem causing excessive sleep and provide appropriate treatment.

When to see a vet?

It is critical to monitor your bearded dragon’s sleeping patterns and behaviour to ensure that they are healthy and active. If you notice any kind of changes in their sleeping patterns or behaviour, take them to the vet for a quick check-up.

Excessive napping or laziness, loss of appetite and weight, and changes in bowel movements or behaviour are all signs that your bearded dragon may require veterinary care.

If you notice your bearded dragon is ill, you should ask for veterinary care as soon as possible. Delaying the treatment can result in more serious health issues later, including death.

Editor’s Note
Remember, Bearded dragons are very delicate creatures that need special care and on toe attention if they are to thrive. You can help ensure that your bearded dragon stays healthy and active for years to come by seeking veterinary care when necessary and providing a healthy and stimulating environment.


Should I wake up my bearded dragon to feed it?

No, you should let your bearded dragon wake up naturally before feeding it. Waking them up can disrupt their sleep pattern.

Can bearded dragons sleep while keeping their eyes open?

Bearded dragons can sleep with their eyes open, but this is typically due to stress or illness.


Finally, we know that bearded dragons need proper care and attention to maintain their health and well-being. While sleeping is an expected part of their day, excessive sleepiness can indicate underlying health issues. You can reduce the risk of health problems and promote healthy sleep patterns by providing your bearded dragon with a proper environment that includes adequate lighting, temperature, and nutrition.

Furthermore, seeking veterinary care as needed and maintaining a regular feeding and exercise schedule can help keep your bearded dragon healthy and active for many years to come. Remember to keep a check on your bearded dragon’s sleeping habits and seek vet attention if you notice any signs of illness or unusual behaviour in them. You can help your bearded dragon stay healthy and happy by providing proper care and attention.

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