Red Eared Slider Poop (Everything You Need To Know)

Red-eared sliders are docile and peaceful creatures. Like any other reptile, they can also fall sick, and the easiest way to detect illnesses is through poop. This article will tell you everything you need about red-eared slider poop.

A healthy red-eared slider will have a log-shaped poop with size depending on the size of your turtle. The color of the feces should be greenish-brown in color. White and black poop is also expected but is a sign that your red-eared slider has eaten something foreign and could not digest it properly.

What Does Red-Eared Slider Healthy Poop Look Like?

red ear slider poop

Red-eared slider poop can tell a lot about the health and well-being of your pet. A healthy poop should have a specific color, texture, and frequency. Here are some things to look out for to tell what red-eared slider healthy poop looks like.


A healthy poop would have an even color and should be firm and uniform. It should be relatively minor in size than your red-eared slider and would have a sausage shape. The turtle’s diet will dictate the color of the poop, which will range from dark to light brown.


Another sign of healthy poop in red-eared sliders is its texture. Healthy feces would be firm and log-shaped. A runny or wet stool would indicate digestive issues or illness in your pet. If the poop is too dry or complex, it is a sign of dehydration in your pet. Feed your red-eared slider a well-balanced diet and ensure they get enough clean drinking water.


An adult red-eared slider has a healthy pooping cycle of once every day or every other day. If your turtle has a delayed stool, they have digestive or impaction issues. You should also notice any irregularities in the poop, as it can be a sign of health issues. Any sign of discoloration, foul odor, or blood and mucus in the poop can be a sign of bacterial or parasitic infection.

7 Types of Unhealthy Poop in Red-Eared Sliders

unhealthy poop

Now that we know what healthy feces look like let us discuss unhealthy types of poop in red-eared sliders. Poop can help you detect any illnesses in your pet and are one of the most visible signs. Here are seven types of unhealthy poop in red-eared sliders.

#1. White or Chalky Poop

Chalky or white poop can indicate excess calcium in your red-eared sliders diet. While calcium suits your pet turtle, the excess can lead to various health problems such as kidney failure, shell deformation or shell rot or shell peeling, and other medical illnesses.

White and chalky poop can also indicate liver disease in your red-eared slider. If you notice your pet is pooping white or chalky feces, it is important to adjust their diet accordingly. If no change happens, you should contact a veterinarian immediately.

#2. Black Poop

Dark-colored or black poop can signify gastrointestinal bleeding in red-eared sliders. This bleeding can be caused due to various factors such as parasitic or bacterial infection, trauma, or tumors. If you notice this occurring with your pet, you should seek medical help immediately.

Editor’s Note
Sharp or large objects can cause bleeding or impactions in your red-eared sliders. Black or dark poop can indicate intestinal bleeding in your pet.

#3. Wet or Runny Pooop

Wet or runny poop is another type of unhealthy poop in red-eared sliders. If your pet turtles poop is runny or wet in texture, it could be a sign of diarrhea or another health issue. Diarrhea can be caused due to various factors such as improper diet, bacterial or parasitic infection, or stomach disease. If your red-eared slider has a consistent runny stool, taking them to a vet is essential as they might suffer through dehydration.

#4. Green Poop

Green poop is considered normal when it occurs from time to time. Consistent green poop means your turtle consumes vegetables excessively or has a bacterial infection. Red-eared sliders cannot digest too many vegetables, resulting in digestive problems and impaction issues. Changing your pet’s diet might help eliminate the green color in the feces. If the green poop remains, it might be due to bacterial infection. You should visit a vet to seek proper treatment and eliminate the problem effectively.

#5. Bloody or Red Poop

Red or bloody poop can signify gastrointestinal bleeding, tumors, or bacterial infection. Sharp and giant insects can cause this as they will cut your pet turtle from the inside and cause bleeding. If you see this occurring, you should consider visiting a vet immediately.

#6. Orange or Yellow Poop

Orange or yellow poop is another type of unhealthy poop in red-eared sliders. Yellow or orange poop can indicate liver or kidney disease in your pet. It is essential to monitor their health and find the cause of the underlying issue. If you notice this happening consistently, seek the help of a medical expert as soon as possible.

#7. Mucus-covered Poop

Mucus-covered poop is another sign of health issues in your pet turtle. If your red-eared sliders’ poop is covered in mucus, it means they have digestive issues or a parasitic infestation. Mucus is generally produced by the intestines when there is an infection, irritation, or inflammation due to any digestive issue. A vet can help your pet slider by prescribing some medication and quickly getting rid of the problem.

Why Is My Red-Eared Slider Eating its Poop?

hungry red-eared slider in tank

Red-eared sliders can be curious and fascinating creatures. Many pet owners are disturbed when they see their pet turtle eating poop. Even though this behavior might look absurd to humans, it is pretty standard amongst many animals. Red-eared sliders eating their poop can indicate many things. 

The first reason your red-eared slider might be eating its poop is due to hunger. If your pet turtle is not being fed too often or is not getting enough nutrition, it might resort to eating its poop. You can solve this issue by giving your pet a well-balanced and nutritional diet and making a feeding schedule.

Stress or anxiety can be another reason why red-eared sliders eat their poop. Your pet slider can undergo stress or anxiety due to many reasons, such as insufficient hiding space, overcrowding, or territorial aggression. Keep a keen eye on what is causing them to stress out and get rid of the problem immediately.

If your pet is eating feces, it might also be a sign of an underlying medical illness such as gastrointestinal bleeding or parasitic infection. Red-eared sliders eat their poop to alleviate their symptoms. If you notice this occurring, take them to a vet who specializes in reptile care.

How Often Does A Red-Eared Slider Poop?

red-eared slider ready to poop

The frequency at which red-eared sliders poop can tell a lot about their overall health. The frequency at which a red-eared slider poops depends on various factors. Generally, a red-eared slider will poop every day or every other day. The frequency depends on your pet’s age, size, and overall health. Younger red-eared sliders are known more often than adult sliders.

Your pet’s diet will also be essential in dictating how often they will poop. A diet with fiber content will make your red-eared slider poop more. At the same time, a diet less in fiber will result in a delayed pooping cycle.

It is also hard to detect when your red-eared slider is pooping. Turtles spend most of their time in or around water, meaning their feces will dissolve in water and might not be detectable. If your pet slider is not pooping or pooping a lot, it might indicate an underlying health issue.

So by a general rule of thumb, your red-eared slider will poop every day or every other day. Make sure you provide them with a healthy, well-balanced diet. You should also provide a clean and healthy environment so they can live peacefully. Stress and anxiety can also cause a loss of appetite. If there is an inconsistency in the stool, visit a vet immediately.

Why Is My Red-Eared Slider Pooping A Lot?

red-eared slider poop in water

Pooping a lot can be perceived as a cause of concern for many pet owners. If a red-eared slider is pooping a lot, it can be due to several reasons. One of the primary reasons why your pet slider is pooping a lot is due to overeating. You should know that rede-eared sliders have a slow metabolism and do need to eat as often as other reptiles.

Another reason for red-eared sliders poops a lot is due to not getting enough exercise. If your pet turtle feels lethargic, it will not be able to digest all the food and naturally produce more waste.

Turtles require plenty of space to swim and explore to maintain their health. Lack of space or overcrowding can lead to your pet pooping a lot. This can eventually lead to indigestion or constipation in your pet.

Water quality also plays a significant role in your pet’s bowel movements. Dirty water can easily cause diarrhea in red-eared sliders. Ensure you provide your turtle with clean drinking water and a healthy environment to avoid such medical issues.

Lastly, stress and anxiety can be other factors that can cause red-eared sliders to poop a lot. Sliders can get stressed for various reasons, such as lack of space, overcrowding, territorial aggression, and environmental changes. Make sure you provide your red-eared slider with a safe and calm enclosure to live in.

Why Is My Red-Eared Slider Not Pooping?

constipated red-eared slider

Red-eared sliders not pooping can be caused due to many reasons. One of the main reasons behind red-eared sliders not pooping is due to a poor diet. A very high or low-fiber diet can cause digestive problems such as constipation in red-eared sliders.

You should provide your pet turtle with a diet high in nutrition and vitamins. Ensure you feed them a well-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and meat.

An inadequate basking area might also be another reason for red-eared sliders not pooping. Your pet slider needs a basking area to dry off and warm its body which is essential for digestion. You should provide your red-eared slider with a warm basking area with enough space, or they will be unable to digest food properly.

Environmental factors such as the temperature of the water can also play an important in your pet’s digestion. If the water inside the turtle’s enclosure is too cold, it can slow their metabolism and cause them to digest food slowly. Overcrowding and stress can also cause your red-eared slider to not poop.


How often does a red-eared slider poop?

An adult red-eared slider will poop every day or every other day. Young turtles are known to poop more often than adult sliders. It is usual for a hatchling slider not to poop for more than a day. If this happens, you should visit a vet immediately.

What does a red-eared slider turtle poop look like?

Red-eared slider poop is brownish-green in color. A healthy poop will be log-shaped and firm in texture. White or chalky poop can be an indication of a calcium-rich diet. A runny stool usually indicates diarrhea in your pet turtle.

Final Thoughts

Poop can be an easy way of detecting health issues in your red-eared slider. A healthy pet turtle will poop every day or every other day. Their poop will be greenish-brown in color and will be firm in texture. 

You should visit a vet immediately if you notice a runny or discolored stool. Providing your red-eared slider with a clean and peaceful environment is important to ensure they stay happy and healthy.

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