Leopard Gecko Black Spot on Belly – Signs & Treatment

Seeing a blackish-purple spot on your gecko’s belly? It can be a completely normal thing because many gecko owners are habitual of this.

However, it can sometimes be a cause for concern if there is an underlying problem. 

A leopard gecko’s bellies will have visible black spots in the case of stress caused by surroundings, impaction, parasites, or constipation, and can even be due to internal bleeding. 

Let us understand what exactly happens in each of these diseases. 

Leopard Gecko Black Spot on Belly: Possible Causes


Leopard Gecko Black Spot on Belly

So you recently installed some new substrate in your gecko’s tank and you can tell that your gecko is not a big fan of it. And now you see a black spot on its belly. No wonder!

Geckos are very sensitive to their surroundings. Even if you think they are low-maintenance, which they are, that doesn’t mean they don’t take time to adapt to their surroundings. 

Geckos can sometimes feel threatened by external events. If there is a new development at your house, then this might also affect your little pet and not just you. 

Environmental stress can make your geckos more reactive and even aggressive. Sometimes, the stress is made visible in the form of a black spot on the belly. But in this case, you do not have to panic as it might just be due to stress. 

Minor changes and modifications will allow your gecko to adapt to its surroundings more easily. 



Parasites like pinworms and coccidia are pretty common in geckos. If your gecko spends a lot of time in untidy surroundings and spends time with another infected gecko, then there are high chances it might be infected. 

A parasite infection can result in a black spot on your gecko’s belly. 
Here are some symptoms that will occur along with the black spot: 

  • Loss of appetite in your gecko that is not going away. 
  • Drastic weight loss and lethargy accompanied by it. 
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea and smelly stool 


Another very common cause of a black spot on your gecko’s belly is impaction. If you are feeding your gecko with a live feed and you are noticing some drastic changes in your gecko’s behavior, then this means that there’s something wrong.

If a leopard gecko is unable to fully digest a particular kind of live feed, this will create a natural aversion in the gecko’s body to that food. If you keep feeding your gecko with the same feed, this will ultimately lead to constipation and gut impaction. 

Here are some symptoms of gut impaction in leopard geckos:

  • Loss of Appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Inactivity
  • Bloating
  • Dark spot on the belly

Internal Bleeding 

Internal Bleeding 

Internal bleeding is not common but is one of the most serious conditions that need immediate medical attention. Internal bleeding can cause a black spot to form on your leopard gecko’s belly. 

This can happen due to a variety of reasons and some of them are unknown. But improper handling and miscarrying can lead to internal injuries that are not easily detectable but certainly harmful. 

Here are a few things that will happen in your gecko’s body if there is internal bleeding:

  • White tongue 
  • Black spot on the belly 
  • Lethargy and inactivity
  • Loss of appetite
  • Blood in feces

What to Do if You See a Black Spot on Gecko’s Belly

What to Do if You See a Black Spot on Gecko’s Belly

If you see a black spot on your gecko’s belly, make sure you first monitor your gecko and check if there are any other symptoms along with it. 

In case of a parasite infection, there will be a noticeable difference in your gecko’s behavior. Loss of appetite is the most common sign that there’s something wrong with your gecko. 

In case of impaction, you can massage your gecko’s belly with a cloth dampened with warm water. By doing so, it will be easier to soften the fecal matter. 

However, if it is a case of constipation or gut impaction, it is best to seek medical advice because handling such medical conditions may not be easy if you are a new gecko parent. 

Signs of a Healthy Leopard Gecko Belly 

Signs of a Healthy Leopard Gecko Belly 

A healthy leopard gecko’s belly is slightly round and plump, Your gecko’s belly shouldn’t be distended or flat. A flat belly is a sign of weakness.

Female geckos who are carrying eggs will have distended stomachs and it is not a cause for concern. 

Even if there is a black spot on your gecko’s belly, you should make note of other behavioral signs that may indicate an underlying problem. But if your gecko is pretty active, has a healthy appetite, and feces are consistently formed and frequent, then you have nothing to worry about. 

Final Words

You shouldn’t panic if you see a black spot on Leo’s belly. It is pretty common in geckos and is mostly not a cause of concern. 

In most cases, a black spot will appear on your gecko’s belly if there are some changes occurring in its habitat that may seem like a potential threat. With time, your gecko will become used to these changes. 

However, if the cause is serious, there will be many simultaneously occurring symptoms that will tell you what might be wrong with your gecko. 

Despite self-checking, if you are still unsure of your gecko’s health, it is best to seek medical help. 

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